Grasshopper is an algorithmic modelling software plugin for Rhino. Grasshopper currently uses [or previously used] the shadow of a grasshopper to represent the brand’s image. Modern logos, however, more commonly appear as simple vector graphics – which can be easily scaled up and down, while still remaining quickly identifiable.
Of course, like many people, I love all animals and I wanted to keep the design based on a grasshopper insect. I tried to design the logo to mimmic the two hind legs of a real grasshopper. Another reason for this shape is that the two back ‘legs’ also resemble polylines/vectors, which along with points and surfaces are the basis of algorithmic 3D modelling.
Also keep in mind that the Spanish name for grasshopper is “saltamonte”. The word “saltamonte” literally means to “jump mountains”, more correctly translated as: “mountain jumper”. I always thought it was a strange name when I was living in Spain and wondered why grasshoppers were called that…

The typeface chosen was Geogrotesque; it is a simple, modern, yet elegant sans-serif typeface, which automatically implies that grasshopper 3D modelling software is more approachable and less daunting to use than the previous version. The main aim here was to make grasshopper algorithmic modelling be seen as something relatively easy to achieve in relation to its competitors. An italic variant in a bold weight were used to show both the speed and power of grasshopper algorithmic modelling software.